A few weeks ago we added some computer vision functionality to our open source ArrayFire GPU computing library. Specifically, we implemented the FAST feature extractor, BRIEF feature point descriptor, ORB multi-resolution scale invariant feature extractor, and a Hamming distance function. When combined, these functions enable you to find features in videos (or images) and track them between successive frames.
Computer Vision in ArrayFire – Part 2: Feature Description and Matching
In the Part 1 of this series, we talked about upcoming feature detection algorithms in ArrayFire library. In this post we show case some of the preliminary results of Feature Description and matching that are under development in the ArrayFire library. Feature description is done using the ORB feature descriptor[1]. The descriptors are matched against a database of features using Hamming distance as the metric. The results we show in this blog use the same hardware and software used in the previous blog: Intel Sandy Bridge Xeon processor with 32 cores (for baseline OpenCV CPU implementation) NVIDIA Tesla K20C (for OpenCV and ArrayFire CUDA implementations) ArrayFire development version OpenCV version 2.4.9 Feature Description and Matching Benchmarks In Part 1 we showed that …
Computer Vision in ArrayFire – Part 1: Feature Detection
A few weeks ago we wrote Writing a Simple Corner Detector with ArrayFire. In that post, we discussed a little bit about the new features that we are working on for ArrayFire. Some of these new computer vision features will be available in the next release of ArrayFire. For the next release, ArrayFire will have a complete set to start with feature tracking, including FAST for feature detection [1], ORB for description [2] and a Hamming distance matcher. We will also include a dedicated version of the Harris corner detector [3], even though it can be written using existing ArrayFire functions. This implementation is straightforward, easy to use and will have better performance. For this post, we will share some …