Custom Kernels with ArrayFire

Pavan YalamanchiliArrayFire, C/C++, CUDA, OpenCL Leave a Comment

As extensive as ArrayFire is, there are a few cases where you are still working with custom CUDA or OpenCL kernels. For example, you may want to integrate ArrayFire into an existing code base for productivity or you may want to keep it around the old implementation for testing purposes. In this post we are going to talk about how to integrate your custom kernels into ArrayFire in a seamless fashion. In and Out of ArrayFire First let us look at the following code and then break it down bit by bit. int main() { af::array x = af::randu(num, 1); af::array y = af::array(num, 1); float *d_x = x.device(); float *d_y = y.device(); af::sync(); launch_simple_kernel(d_y, d_x, num); x.unlock(); y.unlock(); float err = …