We are pleased to share 6 in-depth Jacket lectures, helpful both in learning and teaching Jacket. Download the lectures (PDF format), here: http://www.accelereyes.com/support/lectures
Jacket is used in course instruction at many universities around the world. Professors and course instructors use Jacket to provide engineering students with GPU acceleration of MATLAB® algorithms and to bring HPC to MATLAB courses.
The six lectures are entitled “Parallel High Performance Computing with Emphasis on Jacket Based GPU Computing” and have topics including:
- Parallel computing introduction
- Jacket introduction
- Basic programming with Jacket
- Advanced programming with Jacket
- Multiple GPU programming
- Benchmarking
If you are looking at accelerating MATLAB code or parallel computing with MATLAB, you definitely will want to add these lectures to your arsenal of resources.
These lectures come from Jacket guru, Professor Torben Larsen (also known for his work on Torben’s Corner and for his answers as Lars1 on the forums). Many thanks to him and his colleagues for sharing this content.