Talk to Emacs with a GPT4 Co-Worker

Gallagher PryorAI, Education, Open Source Leave a Comment

With the successful construction of a GPT4 co-worker, we can now talk to emacs. (And also understand how disturbingly simple it is to build one – read on!) WARNING The AI can make mistakes and you might say something horrible on accident like “Man, I hate my harddrive!” I hope you understand the ramifications 😀 With a voice interface, ask the AI to do work or answer questions for you in the context of the current buffer (file/directory). The AI will do the job asynchronously out of the way, leaving you to move on to the next task while the AI plugs away and speaks to you about its completed task. Demo: The code is posted at It requires some …

I am AI at NVIDIA & ArrayFire

John MelonakosAI, ArrayFire, Events Leave a Comment

I am an explorer.I am a helper.I am a healer.I am a visionary.I am a builder.I am even the narrator of the story you are watching.And the composer of the music.I am AI. These words are from the first 3:11 min of Jensen’s keynote today. Yesterday was another amazing NVIDIA GTC kicking off. Fully remote due to coronavirus, I still enjoyed the content without the travel. I encourage you to watch the video below. A masterpiece. ArrayFire has participated and exhibited at every in-person NVIDIA GTC, ever since the 2008 NVIDIA NVISION conference, click the link for a nice flashback. NVIDIA has come a long way from that 0:37 clip and the 3:11 clip Jensen showed above. At NVISION, we …