Amazon recently added GPUs to their Elastic Compute Cloud. We decided to throw LIBJACKET into this GPU cloud to see how it would fare. The $2/hr pay-on-demand pricing is a great option for many Jacket programmers.
This post is full of screenshots detailing the steps we took to get going with GPU computing in Amazon’s cloud:
- Sign up with Amazon EC2
- Launch a GPU instance
- Login to the instance using ssh
- Setup the environment
- Download, build, and test LIBJACKET!
Everything in this post applies equally well to running Jacket for MATLAB® on EC2. Simply install MATLAB + Jacket in your Amazon GPU instance and start working over ssh.
Note: Simply click on the images to make them larger as needed.
1) Sign up with Amazon EC2
- Go to and sign up.
- Once you are done, you will get multiple email notifications from Amazon.
- Open the email with “Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Sign-Up Confirmation”.
- Navigate to the first link, create the Access keys, and store them in a safe place.
- Now go to
- This is where you will be doing most of your work.
- If you had not created key pairs already, you can create a new key pair as shown below:
- At this point you will be prompted to download a .pem key that you will need to use for all future logins.
2) Launch a GPU instance
- You begin by clicking launch instances in your management console.
- Be careful to choose the correct type of instance.
- To create the GPU cluster, choose the Centos 5.5 instance (AMI ID: aa30c7c3).
- Verify that CUDA 3.1 is included.
- Next in instance details, choose “Cluster GPU” as the instance type.
- Use default values for the rest of the fields in Instance details.
- When prompted to choose the key pair, use the one that you had already downloaded.
- For the rest of the tutorial, we use “test_key.pem” as our key.
- Replace test_key with the appropriate key name whenever necessary.
- Choose default values for the rest. The final review page should look like this:
- Congratulations, you now have a GPU instance!
- Your instance also starts running immediately, So does your billing cycle 🙂
3) Login to the instance using ssh
- To connect to your instance, you need to know the IP address associated with your account.
- For this, click on your instance, choose connect.
- A popup window opens up giving you the required details.
- Take note that you have set the permissions of test_key.pem to be readable only by you.
- cd to the directory test_key.pem is located in and use the following commands to ssh into Amazon EC2:
$ chmod 400 test_key.pem $ ssh -i test_pem
4) Setup the environment
- Once you are logged in poke around a little to get to know a bit about the environment.
- You could verify if the cuda toolkit and nvidia drivers have been installed:
$ ls /usr/local/cuda $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version
- Now coming to setting up the environment, you will have to install a few things.
- Centos 5.5 comes with gcc 4.1 by default, and libjacket currently has compatibility issues with it.
- Hence we will be installing gcc 44 and g++ libraries:
$ yum install -y gcc-c++ gcc44 gcc44-c++
- Now you need to set up the system to use gcc44 , g++44 by default:
$ cp /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc41; cp /usr/bin/g++ /usr/bin/g++41 $ rm /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/g++ $ alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc44 40 $ alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc41 50 $ alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++44 40 $ alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++41 50
- Now that the alternatives have been set up, you will need to choose the correct version:
$ alternatives --config gcc
- This will print out a menu on the console. Choose the option that points to gcc44.
- Repeat the procedure for g++.
$ alternatives --config g++
- Now you can verify the gcc and g++ versions by using the following commands:
$ gcc --version $ g++ --version
- Make sure the version is 4.4.x.
- Now that gcc is setup, we need to put /usr/local/cuda/bin in .bashrc:
$echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
- Now you are all set and can begin working with LIBJACKET!
5. Download, build, and test LIBJACKET!
- Download LIBJACKET
$wget -c
- Extract it:
$tar xvzf libjacket-linux-DEV.tgz
- Test it!
$cd libjacket/examples/pi $make run
- LIBJACKET yielded a 44X speedup for this example!
- Do not forget to go back to the management console to stop the instance once you are done working with it.
- You will be assigned a new IP every time you stop and start an instance. There may be ways around it, we have not explored it yet.
- Setting up the whole thing took about one hour’s work. Most of the time being spent to figure out gcc issues.
- Here is a nice post that was really helpful to us in about getting started with EC2
Comments 1
Use an elastic ip (yet another nickel and dime service, but relatively cheap) to associate your instance with a fixed address. I use one so I only have to poke holes in my local firewall for a specific address.