Quest for the Smallest OpenCL Program

Umar ArshadC/C++, OpenCL 8 Comments

I have heard many complaints about the verbosity of the OpenCL API. This claim is not unwarranted. The verbosity is due to the low-level nature of OpenCL. It is written in the C programming language; the lingua franca of programming languages. While this allows you to run an OpenCL program on virtually any platform, it has some disadvantages. A typical OpenCL program must: Query for the platform Get the device IDs from the platform Create a context from a set of device IDs Create a command queue from the context Create buffer objects for your data Transfer the data to the buffer Create and build a program from source Extract the kernels Launch the kernels Transfer the data to the host …

ArrayFire Capability Update – July 2014

Oded GreenAndroid, ArrayFire, C/C++, CUDA, Fortran, Java, OpenCL, R 1 Comment

In response to user requests for additional ArrayFire capabilities, we have decided to extend the library to have CPU fall back when OpenCL drivers for CPUs are not available. This means that ArrayFire code will be portable to both devices that have OpenCL setup and devices without it. This is done through the creation of additional backends. This will allow ArrayFire users to write their code once and have it run on multiple systems. We currently support the following systems and architectures: NVIDIA GPUs (Tesla, Fermi, and Kepler) AMD’s GPUs, CPUs and APUs Intel’s CPUs, GPUs and Xeon Phi Co-Processor Mobile and Embedded devices As part of this update process we are also looking at extending ArrayFire capabilities to low power systems such …

How to write vectorized code

Pavan YalamanchiliArrayFire, C/C++ Leave a Comment

Programmers and Data Scientists want to take advantage of fast and parallel computational devices. Writing vectorized code is becoming a necessity to get the best performance out of the current generation parallel hardware and scientific computing software. However, writing vectorized code may not be intuitive immediately. There are many ways you can vectorize a given code segment. Each method has its own benefits and drawbacks. Hence, writing vectorized code involves analyzing the pros and cons of the available methods and choosing the right one to solve your problem. In this post, I present various ways to vectorize your code using ArrayFire. ArrayFire is chosen because of my familiarity with the software. The same methods can be easily used in numpy, octave, …

Writing a Simple Corner Detector with ArrayFire

Peter EntschevArrayFire, C/C++, Computer Vision 2 Comments

In the upcoming months we’ll be adding a lot of new Computer Vision functionality to ArrayFire, specifically targeting the most commonly used applications in this field. New functions include feature tracking, object classification, scene segmentation, optical flow, and stereo-vision. Feature tracking consists of three basic steps: Detecting good or unique features; normally they are corners or blobs of an object. Extracting a descriptor for each feature—understanding the texture of a small patch around each feature. Descriptor matching—finding out the best match for each pair of descriptors (one from the object being tracked, another from a scene that potentially contains that object), if any. Harris corner detector In this article we will be using ArrayFire to dive deeper into the first step of feature …

Custom Kernels with ArrayFire

Pavan YalamanchiliArrayFire, C/C++, CUDA, OpenCL Leave a Comment

As extensive as ArrayFire is, there are a few cases where you are still working with custom CUDA or OpenCL kernels. For example, you may want to integrate ArrayFire into an existing code base for productivity or you may want to keep it around the old implementation for testing purposes. In this post we are going to talk about how to integrate your custom kernels into ArrayFire in a seamless fashion. In and Out of ArrayFire First let us look at the following code and then break it down bit by bit. int main() { af::array x = af::randu(num, 1); af::array y = af::array(num, 1); float *d_x = x.device(); float *d_y = y.device(); af::sync(); launch_simple_kernel(d_y, d_x, num); x.unlock(); y.unlock(); float err = …

ArrayFire for Defense and Intelligence Applications

Aaron TaylorAnnouncements, C/C++, Events, Fortran Leave a Comment

AccelerEyes and NVIDIA invite you to participate in a joint webinar designed to help you learn about ArrayFire, a productive, easy-to-use GPU software library for C, C++, and Fortran. Major defense and intelligence institutions are discovering just how effective GPU computing can be in enabling unique solutions for applications related to video analysis, recognition, and tracking. During this informative webinar, Kyle Spafford, a Senior Software Developer at AccelerEyes, will explain how to accelerate common defense and intelligence algorithms using ArrayFire. The webinar will take place on Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at 10:00 AM PDT. Register for this webinar by clicking here. We hope you will join us as we discuss exciting developments in GPU computing software!

Getting Started with ArrayFire – a 30-minute Jump Start

ArrayFireArrayFire, C/C++, CUDA, OpenCL 1 Comment

In case you missed it, we recently held a webinar on the ArrayFire GPU Computing Library. This webinar was part of an ongoing series of webinars that will help you learn more about the many applications of ArrayFire, while interacting with AccelerEyes GPU computing experts. ArrayFire is the world’s most comprehensive GPU software library. In this webinar, James Malcolm, who has built many of ArrayFire’s core components, walked us through the basic principles and syntax for ArrayFire. He also provided an overview of existing efforts in GPU software, and compared them to the extensive capabilities of ArrayFire. For example, the same application that takes 26 lines to write in Thrust, can be coded up in just 3 lines in ArrayFire! ArrayFire has supported …

Image Processing with ArrayFire and OpenCV on the GPU

John MelonakosArrayFire, C/C++, Case Studies, CUDA Leave a Comment

ArrayFire is a great way to supplement OpenCV for faster processing on the GPU. Mcclanahoochie recently posted an interactive demo showing the use of OpenCV with ArrayFire for computing Local Contrast Enhancement on the GPU from webcam video. Mcclanahoochie also shows how easy it is to convert OpenCV Mat images into ArrayFire GPU array images, as seen in the code snippit below: All the source code is available on Google Code, linked to from his website. Simply download ArrayFire and OpenCV and try it out for yourself!

Machine Learning with ArrayFire

ArrayFireBenchmarks, C/C++, Case Studies, CUDA, Events Leave a Comment

In case you missed it, we recently held a webinar on the ArrayFire GPU Computing Library and its applications to Machine Learning on June 15. This webinar was part of a free series of webinars that help you learn about ArrayFire and Jacket (our MATLAB® product). Anyone can attend these webinars, for they are absolutely free and open for anyone to attend and interact with AccelerEyes engineers. Learn more at Chris, a Software Engineer at AccelerEyes, explained ArrayFire’s position in the GPU computing world, and presented benchmarks where ArrayFire beats GPU libraries such as Thrust in many critical applications. He also mentioned that ArrayFire could be used either standalone, or in combination with other options for GPU computing such …

Option Pricing

ArrayFireArrayFire, Benchmarks, C/C++, Case Studies, CUDA 2 Comments

Andrew Shin, Market Risk Manager of Koch Supply & Trading, achieves significant performance increases on option pricing algorithms using Jacket to accelerate his MATLAB® code with GPUs. Andrew says, “My buddy and I are, at best, novice programmers and we couldn’t imagine having to figure out how to code all this in CUDA.” But he found Jacket to be straight-forward. With these results, he says he can see Jacket and GPUs populating Koch’s mark-to-futures cube, which contains its assets, simulations, and simulated asset prices. Modern option pricing techniques are often considered among the most mathematically complex of all applied areas of finance. Andrew shared some exemplary code to demonstrate how much leverage you can get out of Jacket and GPUs for financial computing in MATLAB® and C/C++. …