GTC is quickly approaching and AccelerEyes is giddy with excitement!
This year we are taking things to the next level as a Silver Sponsor at GTC 2013. Meaning, you’ll be seeing a lot more of us throughout the conference!
Schedule a Meeting with Us
Do you want to meet with us personally? Schedule a time to sit down with AccelerEyes engineers and account representatives using our online scheduler.
Visit our Booth
If you’re attending GTC, be sure to come visit us at booth #204 to see some great demos or to chat with anyone in our Software Shop for CUDA & OpenCL. Come see how ArrayFire complements other GPU development efforts, including raw CUDA/OpenCL development, OpenACC, and other GPU libraries.
Register for CUDA Accelerated Image Processing Libraries
We would also like to extend a special invitation to register for our Tutorial: S3559 – CUDA Accelerated Image Processing Libraries by our own very James Malcolm, Co-Founder and VP of Engineering. In this tutorial, James will provide an overview of the image processing libraries in the CUDA SDK as well as those provided with ArrayFire. This will be a great opportunity to not only learn about the strengths of the individual libraries, but also learn about the decision making process to select the best suited library for your projects. The tutorial date and time are, Day: Monday, 03/18, Time: 13:00 – 14:20, Location: Room 210A.
Get a GTC 2013 10% Discount
We have 10% discount coupons available for GTC registrations. If you’re interested, please contact for more information.
We look forward to seeing everyone at GTC!
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