The 2013 GPU Technology Conference is just two weeks away. We’re super excited.
We’re spending a lot of time preparing for our tutorial on CUDA Accelerated Image Processing Libraries. We think it will be well worth your while to attend. This is an 80-minute share all about CUDA image processing from James Malcolm, an AccelerEyes co-founder and lead engineer. You will walk away from the tutorial much better prepared to build fast computer vision and image processing codes.
The session abstract is as follows:
Image processing has consistently proven to benefit greatly from GPU acceleration. A number of libraries available from NVIDIA and AccelerEyes make image processing development efficient and lead to big speedups. Using these libraries can often significantly shorten the development time of a GPU project while leading to high-performance, high-quality software. In conjunction with the CUDA 5.0 release, NVIDIA and AccelerEyes introduced enhancements to their libraries to improve performance and take advantage of new features available in the Kepler-series GPUs. In this tutorial, we will provide an overview of the image processing libraries in the CUDA SDK as well as those provided with ArrayFire. The audience will not only learn about the strengths of the individual libraries, but also learn about the decision making process to select the best suited library for their project.
You can register for the session here. We encourage registering in advance because these tutorial sessions fill up fast!
See you in San Jose!
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