What is a Quantum Computer?

Edwin SolisArrayFire, Quantum Computing Leave a Comment

Quantum computing has been a growing area of computer science over the last few years. Thanks to leaps in material engineering, physics, and noise reduction algorithms, the possibility of constructing a fully-fledged quantum computer in the future grows nearer.  Like the computers we use daily, a quantum computer is a machine that can perform computations with given data. However, unlike classical computers, they are characterized by using Quantum Mechanical Principles in the data storage and logic of those computations. Among some of these novel Quantum Mechanical properties, these are the keys ones: Even if Quantum Computers have many advantages, including possibly being faster, are classical computers insufficient? As innovation in new technologies grows in fields such as finance, medicine, and …

ArrayFire v3.8.3 Release

John MelonakosAnnouncements, ArrayFire Leave a Comment

We are pleased to announce another patch release of the ArrayFire library. This release, like all patch releases, concentrates on bug fixes and minor performance improvements. You can access the new version here: installers and source code. Notable improvements include: Additionally, several bugs have been patched. Visit our GitHub project for more information on the ArrayFire Roadmap. It has never been easier to use the ArrayFire library. With your support, we continue to push the limits of all the accelerators coming to the market. Is there a project where you think we can help? Please reach out to our expert engineers to help you take your project to the next level.

Detecting Anomalies of Large-Scale Light Curves

John MelonakosArrayFire, Case Studies Leave a Comment

Researchers from Tsinghua University, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and David Bader of the New Jersey Institute of Technology credit ArrayFire in a paper published in the 2020 IEEE High-Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC). The paper is titled “GPU Accelerated Anomaly Detection of Large Scale Light Curves.” In this research, light from 200,000 stars is tracked, looking for events of high-mass dark objects that bend light from the source, indicating the discovery of planets and black holes. Summary Microlensing is a unique anomaly that occurs when a lens (or lenses) passes between a light source (star) and an observer (Earth). These lenses are high-mass objects that bend the light from the source. This anomaly is helpful in the detection of “dark” objects. …

The Torch By ArrayFire: Q4’2022 GPU Updates

John MelonakosArrayFire, Newsletter Leave a Comment

News for the accelerated computing community – November 2, 2022 Signup for Newsletter Emails Dear ArrayFire Community, Last quarter was highlighted by the significant announcement that our team has joined Intel Corporation to deliver on a shared vision of open-source accelerated computing with oneAPI. The ArrayFire open-source project will continue to follow The ArrayFire Mission. It will be governed by its maintainers sponsored by various companies, including Google, Twitter, VoltronData, and now Intel. ArrayFire’s support for CUDA, OpenCL, and x86 will continue unchanged. We are also excited to announce that our consulting and training services team is expanding its offering in partnership with OpenTeams, a leading provider of technology and talent to support companies backed by innovative open-source communities like ours. This quarterly newsletter brings together …

Simulating Soliton Excitations in Open Systems

John MelonakosArrayFire, Case Studies Leave a Comment

Researchers from the University Bordeaux credit ArrayFire in a paper published in a Master’s Thesis by André Almeida. The thesis is titled “Soliton Excitations in Open Systems using GPGPU Supercomputing.” It investigates the stability of nonlinear excitations in open optical systems modeled by the Complex Ginzburg Landau Equation when influenced by effects such as dissipation and gain, using numerical simulations. Summary In the early years of the 19th century the naval engineer James Scott Russell made the first observation of a very uniform accumulation of water in a boat canal that was capable to propagate for many kilometers without any losses in amplitude and with constant width. This was a very strange phenomenon at the time because no known description of hydrodynamics …

Linguistic AI with RWS Language Weaver

William TambelliniArrayFire, Case Studies Leave a Comment

Guest post by William Tambellini of RWS Language Weaver. This post shows how RWS Language Weaver, a comprehensive and adaptable neural machine translation platform, uses ArrayFire to run AI algorithms at scale. Language Weaver provides secure enterprise machine translation solutions adapted to client content – empowering you to communicate without language barriers. Language is often a barrier to clear communication with internal and external stakeholders. For governments, Language Weaver brings a global perspective into an analytics pipeline integrating with content intelligence applications to minimize the effort required to translate multilingual content. For global enterprises, Language Weaver can help you improve collaboration between teams, increase productivity, and go to market faster internationally. For legal and compliance teams, Language Weaver manages multilingual …

ArrayFire Quantum Simulator

Edwin SolisArrayFire, Quantum Computing Leave a Comment

ArrayFire is pleased to announce the release of the first version of the open-source quantum simulator programming library, the ArrayFire Quantum Simulator, AQS for short.  AQS is a C++14 library that provides the functionality to create, manipulate, visualize, and simulate quantum circuits with quick and accurate results. The library is built upon ArrayFire to provide hardware-neutral, fast CPU and GPU computations with a familiar interface. Features Its feature set includes: Fast Statevector calculations of 1000+ gates up to 30 qubits Implementing essential gates (Pauli, Superposition, Rotation, Multiple Control gates, etc.) Support for extending and creating gates Implementation of standard algorithms (QFT, Grover, VQE) Granular control over calculation stages Custom text displayer of created circuits and circuit schematics Integration with ArrayFire, …

Exciting Updates at ArrayFire

John MelonakosAnnouncements, ArrayFire Leave a Comment

Today, we are pleased to announce that our open-source team has joined Intel to focus on building an open future for accelerated computing with oneAPI. At Intel, we will build towards a vision that flourishes at scale, serves domain professionals worldwide, and participates in the exciting oneAPI ecosystem of open-source technical computing. Read more about this on the Intel blog: ArrayFire Team joins Intel for oneAPI. The ArrayFire open-source project will continue to follow The ArrayFire Mission. It will be governed by its maintainers sponsored by a variety of companies, including Google, Twitter, VoltronData, and now Intel. ArrayFire’s support for CUDA, OpenCL, and x86 will continue unchanged. We are also excited to announce that our consulting and training services team …

Visualizing a Trained Neural Network

John MelonakosArrayFire, Case Studies Leave a Comment

Researchers from the University Bordeaux in France credit ArrayFire in a paper published in ICPR 2020’s workshop on Explainable Deep Learning for AI. The paper is titled “Samples Classification Analysis Across DNN Layers with Fractal Curves.” It provides a tool for visualizing where the deep neural network starts to be able to discriminate the classes. Summary Deep neural networks (DNN) are becoming the prominent solution when using machine learning models. However, they suffer from a black-box effect that complicates their inner workings interpretation and thus the understanding of their successes and failures. Information visualization is one way, among others, to help in their interpretability and hypothesis deduction. This paper presents a novel way to visualize atrained DNN to depict at the same …

The Torch By ArrayFire: Q3’2022 GPU Updates

John MelonakosArrayFire, Newsletter Leave a Comment

News for the accelerated computing community – June 27, 2022 Signup for Newsletter Emails Dear Friends, Welcome to the first newsletter for our ArrayFire community! This newsletter brings together people using and developing ArrayFire and other accelerated computing tools. You are part of this vibrant group that “gathers” together around open source work, including: You are distinguished professionals in your domains, and we hope to build more opportunities for you to interact with the ArrayFire team and one another. We will start with this lightweight quarterly newsletter. At a glance, you’ll be able to see recent developments as well as upcoming opportunities. Enjoy! -John Melonakos, CEO & Co-Founder Product Releases ArrayFire v3.8.2 was released on May 19, 2022. Read more …