Partners Magnify the SC13 Experience

John MelonakosArrayFire, Events 1 Comment

Yesterday, we posted photos from our exhibit. Today was the last day of SC13, and we want to tip our hat to the wonderful partners that magnified our SC13 experience. Creative Consultants, Mellanox, and Allinea Creative Consultants ran an ArrayFire demo across several nodes using Mellanox interconnect. The demo was a multi-node, multi-GPU lattice boltzmann simulation. Allinea also showcased their debugging and profiling tools on the same ArrayFire based code. AMD ArrayFire OpenCL demos were showcased in the AMD exhibit. It was great to see momentum from AMD at SC13 carried over from the previous week’s APU13 conference. Microway In the photo below, you can see ArrayFire running on Microway’s WhisperStation. Microway had prime real estate at the conference and surely every …

Photos from SC13

John MelonakosArrayFire, CUDA, Events, OpenCL Leave a Comment

SC13 was awesome this week! Tomorrow is the last day of the exhibition. For those of you that did not make it to the show, here are some pictures from our exhibit: The AccelerEyes Booth ——————————————————————————————————– ArrayFire OpenCL Demo on ARM Mali ——————————————————————————————————– ArrayFire CUDA Demo on NVIDIA K40 ——————————————————————————————————– ArrayFire OpenCL Demo on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor ——————————————————————————————————– ArrayFire OpenCL Demo on AMD FirePro GPU ——————————————————————————————————– It was a great show and wonderful to see so many ArrayFire users in person. If you could not attend and would like to learn more about our CUDA or OpenCL products or services, let us know! Related articles ArrayFire v2.0 Release Candidate Now Available for Download Two Kinds of Exhibits to Watch …

APU 2013 – Day 3 Recap

John MelonakosComputing Trends, Events, OpenCL Leave a Comment

Big announcement here at #APU13! AMD CTO, Mark Papermaster, just announced 2 additions to the 2014 Mobile APU roadmap — AMD (@AMD) November 13, 2013 Today was the final day of AMD’s APU 2013 conference. The theme of today was mostly focused on gaming topics, so it was not as relevant to technical computing as yesterday. However, the mobile product announcement from AMD in the tweet above was interesting. OpenCL is just as important in mobile computing as it is in HPC computing. Both ends of the spectrum have a need for speed and can achieve it through great data parallelism. AMD is looking to make better inroads into mobile computing with these APU announcements. Overall, APU 2013 was a fantastic …

APU 2013 – Day 2 Recap

John MelonakosComputing Trends, Events, OpenCL 1 Comment

Today was the first full day of AMD’s APU 2013 conference. It was a whirlwind of heterogeneous computing. From the morning keynotes, three particular salient points stuck out to us: Mike Muller, CTO at ARM, talked about heterogeneous computing. He said it nicely with, “Heterogeneous computing is the future. It has also been our past, but we didn’t notice because a few shiny companies overshadowed everything else.” That is a great way to describe it. The future of heterogeneous computing involves the rise in importance of non-x86 processors. Throwing a few more MHz onto a CPU no longer is capable of satiating computational demands. Nandini Ramani, VP at Oracle, talked about the importance of Java for heterogeneous computing. She pointed …

APU 2013 – Day 1 Recap

John MelonakosEvents, OpenCL Leave a Comment

AMD’s APU 2013 kicked off today with keynotes and a welcome reception. The developer summit is themed as the epicenter of heterogeneous computing. AMD has a world class CPU and a world class GPU and is pushing the industry forward by combining both of those devices into the same chip, the APU. AMD’s APUs are programmable via OpenCL, the industry standard for heterogeneous development. AMD is also leading the way with standards for Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA). APU13 will have many technical sessions, keynotes, and demos around OpenCL and HSA. We are at the APU conference demoing ArrayFire acceleration on two of AMD’s newest hardware offerings: A machine with the latest AMD Radeon R9 209X discrete GPU A machine with the …

History of the Modern GPU Series

John MelonakosComputing Trends Leave a Comment

Graham Singer over at Techspot posted a series of articles a few weeks ago covering the history of the modern GPU. It is well-written and in-depth. For GPU affectionados, this is a nice read. There are 4 parts to the series: Part 1: (1976 – 1995) The Early Days of 3D Consumer Graphics Part 2: (1995 – 1999) 3Dfx Voodoo: The Game-changer Part 3: (2000 – 2006) The Nvidia vs. ATI Era Begins Part 4: (2006 – 2013) The Modern GPU: Stream processing units a.k.a. GPGPU Enjoy!

How much speedup can you get with CUDA or OpenCL?

ScottArrayFire, Benchmarks, CUDA, OpenCL Leave a Comment

Everyday developers ask us to predict how much speedup they can get with CUDA or OpenCL. Rather than gaze mysteriously into a crystal ball, we ask the developers questions to explore pertinent acceleration factors. Note, we’ll use the term accelerator to include GPUs, Xeon Phi coprocessor, APUs, FPGAs, and any other CUDA or OpenCL device. The principles we discuss below are equally applicable to all of these accelerators. The following are some of the important factors that must be considered when estimating the potential for accelerated speedups: Hardware:  The more advanced the accelerator hardware, the more the speedup you get (e.g. the NVIDIA Kepler K20 outperforms the previous NVIDIA Fermi C2090 generation). Data Sizes:  In general, accelerators will outperform CPUs to …