AccelerEyes Releases ArrayFire GPU Software

ScottAnnouncements, ArrayFire, C/C++, CUDA, Fortran, OpenCL 1 Comment

A free, fast, and simple GPU library for CUDA and OpenCL devices. AccelerEyes announces the launch of ArrayFire, a freely-available GPU software library supporting CUDA and OpenCL devices. ArrayFire supports C, C++, Fortran, and Python languages on AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA hardware.  Learn more by visiting the ArrayFire product page. “ArrayFire is our best software yet and anyone considering GPU computing can benefit,” says James Malcolm, VP Engineering at AccelerEyes.  “It is fast, simple, GPU-vendor neutral, full of functions, and free for most users.” Thousands of paying customers currently enjoy AccelerEyes’ GPU software products.  With ArrayFire, everyone developing software for GPUs has an opportunity to enjoy these benefits without the upfront expense of a developer license. Reasons to use ArrayFire: …