Hybrid GPU & Multicore Processing for LU Decomposition

ScottBenchmarks, Case Studies, CUDA Leave a Comment

One of the hot areas in supercomputing is hybrid compute: balancing the computational load between one or more CPUs and GPUs. Along these lines Nolan Davis and Daniel Redig at SAIC recently presented work on Hybrid GPU/Multicore Solutions for Large Linear Algebra Problems where they developed a novel algorithm for LU decomposition, one of the most important routines in linear algebra. Here’s a snapshot view of their setup: System Specs: GPU Nvidia® Tesla™ 2050 448 processing cores3 GB dedicated memory Multicore Host 24 cores64 GB system memory Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 5 Two AMD Opteron™ 6172 12-core processors Host-to-GPU Communications PCIE 2.0 16 channels at 500 MB/sec/laneTheoretical peak bandwidth of 8 GB/sec   Their initial results are very promising. For …