The Torch by ArrayFire: Summer 2024 GPU Library Updates

John MelonakosArrayFire, Newsletter Leave a Comment

News for the accelerated computing community – July 30, 2024

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Dear ArrayFire Community,

This year, our consulting services have delivered great speedups for clients in oil and gas exploration and 5G wireless communications projects. These paid services fund our open-source work. Let me know if you’d like help accelerating your project on the GPU or help with other AI or development work by hiring our consultants.

In our open-source library work, we have made substantial progress on a new Python version of ArrayFire that will comply with the Array API Python standard. Updates on this project can be tracked on the ArrayFire GitHub. We hope to release the next version of ArrayFire soon.


-John Melonakos, Maintainer

Product Releases

ArrayFire v3.9.0 has a new oneAPI backend. Read more about it on the ArrayFire blog.

User Showcase

ArrayFire users from around the world are developing accelerated applications. Here is a sampling of their publications:

ArrayFire Community Meetings

The next community meeting is on February 10, 2025. An invitation to this meeting and a review of previous meetings are available on GitHub.

Consulting and Training Services

ArrayFire is open source and always will be.

ArrayFire serves clients through consulting and GPU coding services, algorithm development, porting code, and developer training courses. To learn more about our consulting and coding services, contact us at or schedule a technical consultation.

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