ArrayFire for Defense and Intelligence Applications

Aaron TaylorAnnouncements, C/C++, Events, Fortran Leave a Comment

AccelerEyes and NVIDIA invite you to participate in a joint webinar designed to help you learn about ArrayFire, a productive, easy-to-use GPU software library for C, C++, and Fortran. Major defense and intelligence institutions are discovering just how effective GPU computing can be in enabling unique solutions for applications related to video analysis, recognition, and tracking. During this informative webinar, Kyle Spafford, a Senior Software Developer at AccelerEyes, will explain how to accelerate common defense and intelligence algorithms using ArrayFire. The webinar will take place on Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at 10:00 AM PDT. Register for this webinar by clicking here. We hope you will join us as we discuss exciting developments in GPU computing software!

Getting Started with ArrayFire – a 30-minute Jump Start

ArrayFireArrayFire, C/C++, CUDA, OpenCL 1 Comment

In case you missed it, we recently held a webinar on the ArrayFire GPU Computing Library. This webinar was part of an ongoing series of webinars that will help you learn more about the many applications of ArrayFire, while interacting with AccelerEyes GPU computing experts. ArrayFire is the world’s most comprehensive GPU software library. In this webinar, James Malcolm, who has built many of ArrayFire’s core components, walked us through the basic principles and syntax for ArrayFire. He also provided an overview of existing efforts in GPU software, and compared them to the extensive capabilities of ArrayFire. For example, the same application that takes 26 lines to write in Thrust, can be coded up in just 3 lines in ArrayFire! ArrayFire has supported …

Image Processing with ArrayFire and OpenCV on the GPU

John MelonakosArrayFire, C/C++, Case Studies, CUDA Leave a Comment

ArrayFire is a great way to supplement OpenCV for faster processing on the GPU. Mcclanahoochie recently posted an interactive demo showing the use of OpenCV with ArrayFire for computing Local Contrast Enhancement on the GPU from webcam video. Mcclanahoochie also shows how easy it is to convert OpenCV Mat images into ArrayFire GPU array images, as seen in the code snippit below: All the source code is available on Google Code, linked to from his website. Simply download ArrayFire and OpenCV and try it out for yourself!

Machine Learning with ArrayFire

ArrayFireBenchmarks, C/C++, Case Studies, CUDA, Events Leave a Comment

In case you missed it, we recently held a webinar on the ArrayFire GPU Computing Library and its applications to Machine Learning on June 15. This webinar was part of a free series of webinars that help you learn about ArrayFire and Jacket (our MATLAB® product). Anyone can attend these webinars, for they are absolutely free and open for anyone to attend and interact with AccelerEyes engineers. Learn more at Chris, a Software Engineer at AccelerEyes, explained ArrayFire’s position in the GPU computing world, and presented benchmarks where ArrayFire beats GPU libraries such as Thrust in many critical applications. He also mentioned that ArrayFire could be used either standalone, or in combination with other options for GPU computing such …

Option Pricing

ArrayFireArrayFire, Benchmarks, C/C++, Case Studies, CUDA 2 Comments

Andrew Shin, Market Risk Manager of Koch Supply & Trading, achieves significant performance increases on option pricing algorithms using Jacket to accelerate his MATLAB® code with GPUs. Andrew says, “My buddy and I are, at best, novice programmers and we couldn’t imagine having to figure out how to code all this in CUDA.” But he found Jacket to be straight-forward. With these results, he says he can see Jacket and GPUs populating Koch’s mark-to-futures cube, which contains its assets, simulations, and simulated asset prices. Modern option pricing techniques are often considered among the most mathematically complex of all applied areas of finance. Andrew shared some exemplary code to demonstrate how much leverage you can get out of Jacket and GPUs for financial computing in MATLAB® and C/C++. …

ArrayFire for Defense and Intelligence Applications

ArrayFireC/C++, Case Studies, CUDA, Events, Fortran Leave a Comment

In case you missed it, we recently held a webinar on the ArrayFire GPU Computing Library and its applications to Defense and Intelligence functions. Defense projects often have hard deadlines and definite speed targets, and ArrayFire is a fast and easy-to-use choice for these applications. This webinar was part of an ongoing series of webinars that will help you learn more about the many applications of Jacket and ArrayFire, while interacting with AccelerEyes GPU computing experts.  John Melonakos, our CEO, introduced ArrayFire and talked about some exciting recent customer successes in the field of defense. He then ran through the mechanics of compiling and running code on a machine with 2 Quadro 6000 GPUs, and talked about customer success stories. …

No Free Lunch for GPU Compiler Directives

John MelonakosArrayFire, C/C++, CUDA, Fortran 3 Comments

Last week, Steve Scott at NVIDIA put up a viral post entitled, “No Free Lunch for Intel MIC (or GPU’s).”  It was a great read and a big hit in technical computing circles. The centrepiece of Scott’s piece was to say that there are no magic compilers.  GPUs don’t have them, and neither will MIC.  No compiler will be able to automatically recompile existing code and get great performance from MIC or GPUs.  Rather, it takes a good amount of elbow grease to write high-performance code. We totally agree.  The problem Scott addresses is real.  Despite marketing spin to the contrary, developing code for GPUs requires work. However, we don’t agree with Scott’s conclusion that compiler directives are a good solution. You can’t fight …

ArrayFire Pro : Features and Scalability

ArrayFireArrayFire, C/C++, CUDA, Fortran Leave a Comment

ArrayFire is a fast GPU library that off-loads compute intensive tasks onto many-core GPUs, thereby reducing application runtime and accelerating it many times. ArrayFire is built on top of NVIDIA CUDA software stack which is currently the best and most stable GPU Software Development Kit available for GPU-based computing. ArrayFire comes with a huge set of functions that span across various domains like image processing, signal processing, financial modeling, applications requiring graphics support. ArrayFire has an array based notation (supports N-dimensional arrays) and allows sub-referencing and assignment into these multi-dimensional arrays. The following code snippet shows how you can index into array objects. // Generate a 3×3 array of random numbers on the GPU array A = randu(3,3); array a1 …

ArrayFire Support for CUDA 4.1

John MelonakosAnnouncements, ArrayFire, C/C++, CUDA, Fortran Leave a Comment

The question above comes from María (@turbonegra).  She follows us @accelereyes.  Many of you are wondering when ArrayFire support for new CUDA version 4.1 will be released.  The answer: work is currently under way. CUDA 4.1 includes a new Fermi compiler, and many people in the GPU ecosystem have reported slowdowns from upgrading to the new CUDA version. So we’ve delayed releasing ArrayFire and Jacket support for CUDA 4.1 because we want to verify performance and reliability across all our unit tests, performance regressions, and customer code samples.  Our tests sweep across various driver versions and everything from mobile GeForce cards through server-grade Tesla and Fermi chips. We are still working through the testing and verification at the moment. While …

AccelerEyes Releases ArrayFire GPU Software

ScottAnnouncements, ArrayFire, C/C++, CUDA, Fortran, OpenCL 1 Comment

A free, fast, and simple GPU library for CUDA and OpenCL devices. AccelerEyes announces the launch of ArrayFire, a freely-available GPU software library supporting CUDA and OpenCL devices. ArrayFire supports C, C++, Fortran, and Python languages on AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA hardware.  Learn more by visiting the ArrayFire product page. “ArrayFire is our best software yet and anyone considering GPU computing can benefit,” says James Malcolm, VP Engineering at AccelerEyes.  “It is fast, simple, GPU-vendor neutral, full of functions, and free for most users.” Thousands of paying customers currently enjoy AccelerEyes’ GPU software products.  With ArrayFire, everyone developing software for GPUs has an opportunity to enjoy these benefits without the upfront expense of a developer license. Reasons to use ArrayFire: …